The Debate: Are the Warriors really that better than the Cavs

When I walk in the cafeteria at my school in Brooklyn, NY I ask my friends sometimes, “Who will will win the NBA finals?”, and they usually immediately say the Golden State Warriors. But I think the Cleveland Cavaliers have as good as chance to win the NBA finals.

The Strengths of the Cavs

When you talk about the Cavs you usually talk about LeBron James, but right now everyone is playing well for the Cavs.  First, they have shot a historic number of 3’s: they shot 25 in 1 game (which is the most in 1 game in NBA playoff history) and 21 in another game.  Second, they are 10-1 in the postseason, and their bench has contributed. Channing Frye has really played well, and same with Matthew Dellavedova and Iman Shumpert. Even more, they have 0 injury problems right now and when you think about it they went up 2-1 over the Warriors when they did not have Kevin Love, Kyrie Irving and Channing Frye. So basically they went up 2-1 over the Warriors with just Lebron James.

The Match ups vs. the Cavs that the Warriors can’t handle

I am not going to start with LeBron James. I am going to start with the BENCH. Channing Frye is probably going to start the 5 spot (the Center) from the bench. That means that Festus Ezeli will have to guard a guy who shoots 3’s and that is a problem. So, if Festus Ezeli is out of the paint that means everyone is going to have fewer contested shots and Matthew Dellavdeova is a really good driver. Also, who is going to guard  Iman Shumpert? Finally, the Cavs have basically taken the Warriors big advantage: 3 ball.

So when you think about it, maybe the Cavs do have the advantage to win the finals.

LETS GO CAVS!!!                      Article published on May 22 2016